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Tõsta oma AI oskusi 30-päevase väljakutsega, panustades vaid 30-minutit päevas.

Go from digital zero to marketing hero and boost any project’s performance with up-to-date tactics and tips



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86 Digital Course Hero Img 3 140421.jpeg
Kursus alustab 1.12.2024
jane noblessner juuli 2024 4 original

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Piiratud aja pakkumine – osta see vaid 9€ eest! Tavahind 60€

Tõstke oma tehisintellekti oskused 30-päevaga kõrgemale
Saate aru kaasaegse digitaalse turunduse põhimõtetest ja suurendage oma turundustulemusi päevadega
Alusta täiskursust (40% soodsam)
Suurendage oma ROI-d parima turunduskursuse abil
Lugege teavet konversioonilehtrite, värbamiskanalite ja optimeerimise kohta ning vaadake, kuidas teie ettevõtte toimivus hüppeliselt tõuseb
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Kiiresti muutuvas tehisaru valdkonnas tuleb õppima parimatelt. Meie juhendajad on ise AI entusiastid, kes väärtustavad sinu aega.

Kuulake tagasisidet.

Minu kursusel osalenud turundajatel on teile midagi öelda!

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Milly Johns
Marketing Lead at Hoopi.com
“I was stuck managing campaigns, this course helped me get the promotion I wanted to marketing director!”
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Kelly Johnson
Junior Lorem Isum
“Three day course, over 14% ROI gain in the month after. This course has paid for itself a hundred times over”
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Bred Millson
Junior Lorem Isum
“Marketing strategy calls for a broad understanding of multiple channels, this course covered everything I needed”

Korduma kippuvad küsimused?

No, each topic will be taught from the ground up and requires no prior knowledge.
Three days of focused learning, but you can always break it down to smaller segments and study when you have the time.
A team of digital marketing specialists and experts have composed this course based on current day tactics and their real-world professional experience.
You will learn how each major digital channel functions, how to build multi-channel campaigns and the basics of conversion optimization. These pillars of marketing can easily boost your ROI considerably.
If your experience is focused on a single marketing channel or a single type of activity, yes! Learning how the rest of your marketing ecosystem works can yield great results and optimization opportunities.
At this time the course is available only in the English language, with a focus on US and EU marketing ecosystems.

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